Yes, you guessed it. It's not going well.
I'm blaming winter to be quite frank. It's too cold not too eat an extra tin of spaghetti hoops. Ooo with soggy toast as well. Diets are the bane of my life. Originally I was going to write a blog post telling you all about my healthy meals and new found focus on my health. Yeah, that post is probably never going to be written.
The truth is I don't really care about my weight. If it wasn't for boys and bitchy girls, I would probably be the size of a whale. It all stems back to when I got called fat one time and now I'm constantly concerned about my weight and the way I look. The average uk women is a size 12 (or 14?I can never remember) and I'm a size 8-10, so why do I get worried if I gain a pound? Every woman is different. It all depends on your height and body shape. I know that because I'm 5ft1 realistically I should weigh a lot less than the average women but I don't. So what can I do?
I think the main thing I need to do right now is continuing with how I'm feeling. Stop caring. At the end of the day it doesn't matter. As long as I'm not obese, I'm fine. Maybe try to eat healthier? Chocolate is always going to be my downfall and I need to get around that somehow.
Anyway I know this post is just me rambling on about weight and diets so I'll stop and leave with some pics of my 'healthy' food ideas. Ovbs they're not that healthy.