Wednesday, 26 August 2015

5 Things I Should Have Realised Sooner

1. The way you view yourself is what contributes to your self image. A number on a scale is often misleading and honestly it's how you feel about your body that gives you that confidence boost. For the last few weeks I've been feeling fat and quite down about my body imagine; then I weighed myself and realised something- I was the lightest I had been in a long time! So forgot your weight and focus on loving your body and being proud of it.

2. Don't stay friends with negative people. Just don't do it. It's only going to make you feel worse about yourself and hate spending time with them. Friends should support you and make you feel ecstatic, not bring you down.
Yes, this is the only photo I could find to show how important a happy friendship is. It also shows how stupid GCSE Drama was. FYI it was a Greek play and we played two brothers. 
 3. New shoes will make everything better. They might not make your feet feel that great the first time you wear them however I always feel more put together when I'm showing of a new shoe.

4. Say yes! For God's sake just say yes! Push yourself to go out and meet that new person, agree to do something different for a change and stop being scared of change. Say yes to what could open up new doors for you.

5. It's ok not to be ok. What's not ok is to bottle up all your emotions and let them explode, leaving you in a big sad mess. You're not weak for having weaknesses.

I guess as we grow up we become more aware of what we should stand for and what we shouldn't. Recently I've been experiencing a period in my life where things are unexpectedly changing and it's been quite tough. I found myself scared to say yes to any opportunity that meant being out of my comfort zone. All in all it has a been a bit of shit time for me but I'm realising what steps I can take to make a change. Nothing stays the same forever and whilst this blog post has been very cringey, it's been something I've just needed to write.

Tuesday, 17 February 2015

Back To Blogging

Remember when I said I had loads of blog post ideas to write and they'd be up very soon? Yeah that was all a lie. But I'm back! Get out the party poppers and grab a cup of tea because it's time for a new blog post.
I'm stumped. One million ideas and not enough time to actually put them into action. I'll use the excuse I have GCSEs coming up soon to not actually write for a while. Well for now here is an update on my life:
Still single.
Still chubby- remind me to buy Charlotte Crosbys fitness DVD.
Still poor.
But I'm happy and planning on going prom dress shopping so life's not too bad.
Short update but short is my life (consequence of being 5ft 1).

Fingers crossed I stop being a lazy shit and actually get round to doing a proper blog post. I'll leave you with my favourite three things in the world. Frilly socks, my brown bag and my dog tooth leggings. Perfect.
(Excuse the fat hand)

Monday, 12 January 2015

The Liebster Award

Not my usual sort of post but its better than nothing right?
So I was nominated for the Liebster Award (thanks Hannah!). If I'm honest I don't know what it is but I get the impression it is to help bloggers interact with each other which is quite brill. And apparently Liebster means sweetheart in German so that's a good enough reason to do a blog post about it.
Oh wait, there are rules! And here they are:

  • Link the person you have nominated
  • Answer the questions given by the nominator 
  • Nominate 11 blogs with less than 200 followers (so that's the reason I was nominated ah)
  • Create 11 questions for the nominees to answer (bare effort)
  • Notify the nominees through social media
Well lets answer these questions then,,,
Why did you decide to start blogging?
I decided to start blogging back in 2009 simply (so cringe) 'to make a change' but well here we are 5 years later talking about eyebrows and lipstick. The main reason is that there are so many blogs that I'm jealous of and it just made me want to start writing and get involved in the blogging game.
What would be your ideal day?
This definitely depends on my mood, but either a lazy day with friends watching Netflix or an unlimited money shopping trip with lots of coffee breaks. 
What's your favourite film?
It has to be 10 Things I Hate About You, that film is bloody amazing. 
Sweet or savoury?
Hands down sweet. Chocolate is everything in life.
If you won the lottery, what is the first thing you would buy?
Hmm, this is a hard question but due to my current situation probably a decent house. Or if I'm feeling selfish, an eyebrow bar. It's literally my dream to set up an eyebrow bar (but obvs that's never going to happen).
How would you describe yourself in 5 words?
Boobs,boobs, bossy, boobs, boobs
What are your top 3 music artists/bands?
1. You Me At Six 
2. Fall Out Boy    
3. Beyonce     
Where is your favourite place in the world?
New York even though I have never visited there. Life goals right there,
If you could be an animal, what would you be?
Probably a cat. Probably a fat one also. I'm very lazy.
What is your favourite item of makeup?         
Oh it has to be my Benefit mascara! I bloody love it, makes my eyelashes look so unbelievably long. Or my cheap ass eyeshadow that I know you use to fill my brows in, that's also amazing.
Do you have a celebrity crush? If so, who?
Good old Leo or James Franco. Mmmm....

So I'm nominating:
Here are my questions also: 
  1. What's your dream job?
  2. Favourite season of the year?
  3. What's your favourite item of clothing?
  4. What 3 things would you take to a desert island?
  5. Who is your inspiration/idol?
  6. If you could go anywhere in the world where would you go?
  7. What always makes you laugh?
  8. What animal best describes you?
  9. What is your favourite type of film?
  10. Is honesty always the best policy? 
Thanks for reading! 

Monday, 5 January 2015

Long Awaited Blog Post

I am so angry. I had planned three blog posts, had all the photos saved on my new iphone 6 (thank you santa). You can just imagine how chuffed I was with all this planning of posts and it was almost like a undeclared new years resolution- to be more organised with my blog. The reason I'm writing this is because I'm so frustrated over my own stupid mistake. Being the tech wizard I am, I realised I hadn't synced my photos on to my laptop so that was today's plan. I was going to finish writing my first blog post and add in all the (if I do say so myself) amazing photos I had taken. But oh no. Apple had other ideas.
So the problem I had was I had started a new icould profile and had the issue of getting all my music from my old one to my new one. I went through so much hassle just trying to connect my phone to my laptop that I didn't bother to read any of the little signs that popped up. Lesson learnt- never skim on things that say reset. There were two options and stupidly I clicked on the back up one, not realising the havoc it would create. It replaced everything on my new phone with everything from my old icould. BAM, all my lovely new photos gone. Yes there were only 50 photos but I was so bloody proud of them. And now I'm left with a reset phone, no contacts, no photos and no Kim Kardashian app meaning I'm back to being an E lister. Fuck you Apple.
I felt like I had to write this because (although my blog doesn't get that many views) I still care about what I'm putting out and feel bad when I don't post things. It's so frustrating to have something like this happen because I was so proud of the ideas in my head and the photos I had taken. Now I have to start from scratch. Some of the ideas I can't even recreate as (spoiler I was doing a what I got for christmas) I've opened things and used them.
Sorry for the long awaited blog post and sorry that you'll have to wait even longer :(
But thank you if you still read my blog! There will be two blog posts within the next week- once I've gotten over being an E lister. All my hard work ruined!