I am so angry. I had planned three blog posts, had all the photos saved on my new iphone 6 (thank you santa). You can just imagine how chuffed I was with all this planning of posts and it was almost like a undeclared new years resolution- to be more organised with my blog. The reason I'm writing this is because I'm so frustrated over my own stupid mistake. Being the tech wizard I am, I realised I hadn't synced my photos on to my laptop so that was today's plan. I was going to finish writing my first blog post and add in all the (if I do say so myself) amazing photos I had taken. But oh no. Apple had other ideas.
So the problem I had was I had started a new icould profile and had the issue of getting all my music from my old one to my new one. I went through so much hassle just trying to connect my phone to my laptop that I didn't bother to read any of the little signs that popped up. Lesson learnt- never skim on things that say reset. There were two options and stupidly I clicked on the back up one, not realising the havoc it would create. It replaced everything on my new phone with everything from my old icould. BAM, all my lovely new photos gone. Yes there were only 50 photos but I was so bloody proud of them. And now I'm left with a reset phone, no contacts, no photos and no Kim Kardashian app meaning I'm back to being an E lister. Fuck you Apple.
I felt like I had to write this because (although my blog doesn't get that many views) I still care about what I'm putting out and feel bad when I don't post things. It's so frustrating to have something like this happen because I was so proud of the ideas in my head and the photos I had taken. Now I have to start from scratch. Some of the ideas I can't even recreate as (spoiler I was doing a what I got for christmas) I've opened things and used them.
Sorry for the long awaited blog post and sorry that you'll have to wait even longer :(
But thank you if you still read my blog! There will be two blog posts within the next week- once I've gotten over being an E lister. All my hard work ruined!
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